moles and freckles - when can they cause health risks?moles and freckles - when can they cause health risks?

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moles and freckles - when can they cause health risks?

I have red hair and a strong family blood line that includes Ukrainian traits. Because of this, I have both freckles and moles scattered across my body. There are times that I find a mole that looks a little weird or a freckle that seems to have changed color since I last looked. Did you know that sometimes, moles are more than just moles and freckles are more than just freckles? The truth is, when these things change colors or shapes, it could be a sign that there is a more serious problem somewhere. Go to my site to find out what I have learned to watch for to prevent serious health problems in the future.


Six Things To Know About Laser Hair Removal

If you are tired of constantly having to shave, tweeze, or wax your unwanted body hair, you may be a candidate for laser hair removal. During laser hair removal, your doctor uses a laser beam to damage your hairs' follicles. Knowing how to prepare for the treatment and properly care for your treated areas after removal ensures you have a positive experience.

1. Avoid treatments that target the hair follicle.

Waxing, tweezing, and electrolysis all disturb the root of the hair follicle. Before you have an area treated with a laser, it is best to avoid activities that remove hair by targeting the follicle.

If you need to de-fuzz, shaving the area is an acceptable alternative since it only removes hair that is above the skin.

2. Make like a vampire and avoid sunlight.

After your treatment, your skin is extremely tender. For six weeks after laser hair removal, avoid spending time in a tanning bed, and stay out of natural sunlight. Once your treated area has healed, make sure to apply a broad spectrum sunscreen before exposing your skin to the sun.

3. Be prepared for discomfort.

It is common for the treated area to be red, swollen, and painful after laser hair removal; many compare the feeling to a sunburn. Fortunately, you can relieve the discomfort by icing the area and keeping the skin moisturized. 

4. Budget accordingly for your hair removal. 

On average, each session of laser hair removal costs $235. The price varies dramatically based on the size of the region that you treat. For example, smaller areas, such as the underarms, are cheaper than the legs. Facial areas tend to be more expensive due to the complexity involved in treating the sensitive facial skin.

5. Be prepared for multiple treatments. 

It generally takes anywhere from three to seven sessions for your hair to be permanently removed. Sessions treating small areas may only last a few moments, while more extensive regions, such as the back, can take up to an hour to treat.

6. Don't expect a spa day.

When the laser beam hits your skin, it may feel like a hot pinprick or a rubber band snapping your skin. If the discomfort is severe, you can request that your doctor use a numbing gel before the treatment. During your session, you must wear protective eye wear to keep your eyes safe.

Eliminate razor burn, prickly stubble, and constant hair removal by adding laser hair removal to your beauty regime. Laser hair removal treatment is a terrific option for individuals looking for a permanent hair removal alternative. By knowing what to expect before, during, and after your sessions, you can make a well-informed decision about the best hair removal for your needs.