moles and freckles - when can they cause health risks?moles and freckles - when can they cause health risks?

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moles and freckles - when can they cause health risks?

I have red hair and a strong family blood line that includes Ukrainian traits. Because of this, I have both freckles and moles scattered across my body. There are times that I find a mole that looks a little weird or a freckle that seems to have changed color since I last looked. Did you know that sometimes, moles are more than just moles and freckles are more than just freckles? The truth is, when these things change colors or shapes, it could be a sign that there is a more serious problem somewhere. Go to my site to find out what I have learned to watch for to prevent serious health problems in the future.


Clear Facts About Middle-Aged Acne And Ways To Reduce Flare-Ups

Are you middle-aged and starting to notice that you have acne? People who have never had issues with acne in their younger years or those who only had a brief eruption of pimples during their adolescent years may find it hard to understand why an acne issue would start later in life. The following information will help you better understand what may be contributing to your acne flare-ups.

Hygiene Products

If you are using over-the-counter products, it is possible that some of the ingredients are contributing to your acne. This applies even if the products you are using are supposed to be effective for acne treatment. For example, some teen acne products do not work well for adult acne issues.

It is also possible that you are unknowingly using products that contain pore-clogging ingredients such as oil. Ensure that your product labels contain information such as "oil-free" or "won't clog pores."

Also, use caution with the number of products you use on your skin. Using several different products on your skin could be causing unnecessary skin irritation.

Hormonal Issues

During the middle-aged years, hormonal imbalances may occur. Women who are menopausal might be more likely to notice these changes because a number of other bodily changes may occur during the same time that the acne issues present themselves. For example, some women may notice facial hair. 

Problem Foods

If you have eaten virtually anything you wanted most of your life, you might find it hard to accept that the foods you eat could be contributing to your acne. Look at the foods that you regularly consume. Then try to eliminate or reduce your intake of processed foods, fatty meats, and processed sugar, all of which can cause skin issues. Replace these foods with whole foods, fruits and vegetables, lean cuts of meat, and fish. Explore natural sweetener options such as honey, stevia, or date sugar.

Sleep Habits

Your acne could also be partially related to not getting enough sleep, which may lead to irritability or stress. Try developing a bedtime regimen complete with a target time for going to bed. Also, try a calming routine such as quiet time for 30 minutes, which may help you fall asleep faster. For example, if you go to bed immediately after watching an action-packed show on television, it may be harder for you to fall asleep.

A dermatologist is the best resource to use for middle-aged acne. They can help you determine which acne treatment approaches may be best for your situation. A combination of treatments, cleansing regimens or therapy may need to be applied for some individuals. For example, a person whose acne is the result of stress, oily skin and hormonal imbalance may benefit from a nightly skin cleaning regimen, hormone supplements and therapeutic intervention for stress management.