moles and freckles - when can they cause health risks?moles and freckles - when can they cause health risks?

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moles and freckles - when can they cause health risks?

I have red hair and a strong family blood line that includes Ukrainian traits. Because of this, I have both freckles and moles scattered across my body. There are times that I find a mole that looks a little weird or a freckle that seems to have changed color since I last looked. Did you know that sometimes, moles are more than just moles and freckles are more than just freckles? The truth is, when these things change colors or shapes, it could be a sign that there is a more serious problem somewhere. Go to my site to find out what I have learned to watch for to prevent serious health problems in the future.


How To Keep Your Skin Healthy With Common Household Items

Everyone would like to have soft, vibrant and healthy skin. However, many people do not feel like they can afford expensive creams, facials washes and lotions to keep their skin healthy. Although many of these products are great for the skin and help to keep it healthy, you don't have to buy expensive products to take care of your skin. Here are a couple household items most people have on hand that can work wonders for your skin.

1. Baby Wash

Say you can't afford an expensive facial wash to wash your face. No problem! You just need to find a wash that is soap free. Soap has active ingredients in it that dry out the skin, which is why baby wash is such a great alternative to facial wash. Baby wash is designed to wash the most sensitive of skins without irritation. This is exactly what you want for you face.

To use the baby wash as a facial scrub, simply rinse the face with warm water to open the pores, then spray the baby wash into your hands and make a lather. Rub this lather all over the skin massaging it into the pores. Then rinse off the baby wash and dab the skin with a towel. Try not to rub your face; instead just pat the skin dry.

2. Coconut Oil

Many people have severely dry skin that is hard to keep hydrated and healthy. One of the great things that you can use to keep your skin soft and healthy is coconut oil. Coconut oil has so many health benefits, including being good for the skin. All you need to do is rub some coconut oil on your skin at night or during the day. If you have especially dry spots, like on your hands and feet, then put gloves or socks on to keep the skin protected and oil on your skin. This will work miracles.

3. Sugar and Vaseline

Everyone knows that it is important to exfoliate the skin to keep it clear of any dead cells and rejuvenate the area. But exfoliates can be very expensive, so instead you can take some Vaseline and rub sugar in it. The Vaseline won't dissolve the sugar. Instead it will allow the sugar to clump into small chips that will rub away dead skin while the Vaseline hydrates it. Once you are done, simply wash off the paste and cover with your favorite lotion or coconut oil.

These are just a couple simple tricks for getting great skin care on a budget. If your skin issues don't clear up with at-home care, see a dermatologist, such as Dermatology Associates, for more information.